Sunday, October 24, 2010

Look at my...

...naked DOG!

He stayed at a "doggie hotel" this weekend while we visited Cedar Falls and I asked them to groom him during his stay.  It is a little shorter than I expected, but he still looks very CUTE!  :)  He is usually very fluffy, so it is kind of funny seeing him this way.  Luckily, Joe does the grooming most of the time.

Since we got home, I have been doing some SERIOUS shopping at The Scrappy Gourmet.  I have been waiting for the new My Minds Eye products, and now I can't wait until the show up in my mailbox.  If you have been looking at buying the entire line of Lost & Found you can find it at TSG.  AWESOME stuff!

Ok, I am going to relax and watch the end of Brother's and Sisters.  If you haven't watched it before, you should check it out.  Love it!


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