Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The other day Hope had a touch of the flu, so we spent most of the day watching Christmas movies.  She loves the Santa Clause movies and the only one we own is #2, so we got that one out and watched it.  Well, that is the one where SC has to find a wife and has Cupid in it (although Cupid might be in all of them).

Anyway, she said some funny things later in the day about Cupid and his "love" arrows...

Mom, did Cupid shoot you and dad with arrows to make you fall in love?  Did he shoot you?  Or dad? or Both?

Me...I don't know (with a giggle).

Mom, maybe that is why I have been falling in love with all those boys at school because Cupid has been shooting me with his love arrows!

Me...Oh my, I guess I need to have a talk with Cupid and tell him to leave you alone for a while.  Hahahaha!

The kid cracks me up!  Love it!

Anyway, speaking of Cupid, here is a layout I created for Joe and Hope's first Father/Daughter Dance last Valentine's Day.

I hope they get the chance to go this year too.  They had a lot of fun.

And here are some LOVE related cards to share too...from Pink Paislee scraps, etc.

Well, I guess I better go see what we are going to have for supper.  Any suggestions.  One of these days I am going to get organized and do some of those freezer meals I see on Pinterest.  Now I just have to find the time to grocery shop and create the meals.  You all that free time I have!  :)


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