Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A tall tale...

Just before I was expecting Hope's bus to arrive I received a text from joe that he got a message the buses were running about 20 minutes late.  So a little while later hope jumped in the front door and started telling me a WHOPPER of a story...

The reason the buses were late was because just as school was to let out it was put on lockdown by the local police.  This part I know for a fact, but what follows is hope's version of the drama (in bits and pieces)...

mom, they locked the doors of our classroom and (her teacher) was locked out, but someone's mom let her back in...

(A boy) was in the bathroom and he saw the whole thing...the robber came down the hall and got to the middle of the school and that's when the cops came running in and caught him...(not true)

I saw the cops put the robber in the car...then later told me she was in the classroom and didn't see anything, but so and so saw it and said it was all true...(not true)

At one point in the story she mentioned that one of her friends was missing and she was worried she had been kidnapped because she wasn't on the bus home.  Then I mentioned that her mom went on the field trip today and she probably went home with her.  Her response "oh yeah".  Later I got a text from the mom and she said it was scary being in the school and she was pushed into Hope's classroom when the lockdown happened.  Hope's teacher started calling the other classrooms and found her daughter in her brother's classroom (she has started to go to the pick up lane).

The really weird thing is when I was in elementary school we took a field trip to living history farms (the same place she went today on her field trip).  On that trip we ended up being locked down in a picnic shelter because a motorcycle in a high speed chase had wrecked and the rider ran into the living history farms land area.  The other strange thing is that yesterday her school had a lock down drill, so I guess it was all fresh in their minds of what to do.  :). The mom I talked to said they handled everything perfectly during the emergency.  Good job teachers and school staff!    

Now for the rest of the story...

What actually happened is as the end of school was approaching the local police was responding to an altercation/stabbing in the neighborhood and as a precaution put the school on lock down so all the kids would be safe. I know it doesn't have the juicy drama of hope and her friends' version, but I prefer the minimal drama version and ending.  :)

Ok, speaking of school, here is a school layout of Hope's first day of school for first grade. I love the Little Yellow Bicycle paper line for this layout.  I wasn't sure at first since my daughter's outfit was pink, but it worked just fine.  Here is a full view of the layout...

The chipboard bus had a different number on it, so I sanded it off and used the glitter/transparent star with number stickers to add her actual bus number.

I love the banner title and the journal spot to add details of her class and year.

I love how I added the journaling for this page.  I worked on the spacing and kept printing it to make sure it fit before I used the actual paper.  The bottom of the page was a partial cut using a spellbinders die to only get one side of the die.  It turned out pretty cool.

Using the same paper line, this is a single page layout of Hope's last day of Kindergarten.  This was actually a make and take I made from CHA (last summer when this line came out) and I held on to it until I found the right pictures to use on it.

I added handwritten journaling on the ruler papers

...and used letter sticker for the title and the layout was finished.

Ok, well that is enough excitement for me for one day.  Have a good one!


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