Saturday, September 24, 2016

Yellow Ombre'

Hope stayed all night with my sister and her cousins...Annie and Ally a few weekends ago.  She helped them clean out a closet in the basement and they gave her a bed comforter.  So on our way home, Hope decided she wanted to paint her room now that we had the bed spread.  I asked what color she wanted and she knew she wanted yellow and that she wanted to do an ombre' technique.

Now this is when I would say...Joe and Hope watch TOO MUCH HGTV!

Well, I knew my plans for relaxing on the deck and reading a book were no more once Hope got the idea to paint her I just went with it.

I started looking at pinterest for tips on how to paint an ombre' wall technique and off to Menards we went to get paint.

I forgot to get a good BEFORE picture, but basically it was just builder neutral beige.

Hope did a great job helping...mostly because I wasn't going to let her enjoy her weekend relaxing if I wasn't going to get to do it too.  LOL!

And now for the AFTER photo...

I was actually pretty impressed with how good the ombre' turned out, although next time I would probably choose colors with more variation in between.

Eventually, Hope is wanting to get a loft bed, so for now her mattress is on the floor because she also wanted to downsize from her full size to a twin mattress.  We have been watching to see if we can find any on Craig's list; however, Hope has been looking at ideas on Pinterest and has some BIG ideas for Joe to build one.  LOL!

We may finish off her room as part of her Christmas present.  So that leads me into sharing some Christmas cards.

Hopefully I will be back again before Christmas.  LOL!


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