Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What does a...

...squirrel, a cop, a whale, an old lady with cheater glasses and a sugar plum princess have in common?

The answer would be characters in the play Hope will be in for the talent show tomorrow at her summer day camp.  I was cracking up on the way home as she was telling me about all the different characters.  Too funny!  Oh to be a fly on the wall...

The other funny thing was she said one of the characters was an old grandma that wears those half glasses down on her nose, you know the REALLY OLD people wear.  So I asked her, you mean like the one's Aunt Dee Dee wears?  Her answer:  Yep, those glasses!  Hahahahaha!  I just cracked up!

I got to go grocery shopping by myself tonight!  What a treat and I am pretty sure I saved a TON of money not buying all the garbage Hope always wants to get.

I ran into one of my co-workers and his kids and he had one of the little "customer in training" carts.  Yes, I know they are really cute, but grocery shopping with kids is stressful enough without worrying about your toe getting run over or, heaven forbid, they run over someone else.  OR run into a display and knock it over, etc...

Anyway, I took this picture of Hope with her shopping cart one day to remind me of those "stressful" shopping trips that I am sure I will miss someday.

Well, that is it for tonight!  Have a good one!


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