Friday, February 13, 2015

The sweet sound of music

Last week was a crazy blur, plus just trying to survive a diet is enough to keep a person busy.  I feel like I am constantly cleaning fresh veggies for us to eat.  More on that later...

Anyway, Hope's 4th grade class had their music concert last Friday.  I can't believe I didn't get a picture of her in her outfit.  Oh well.  She was thrilled that she wasn't on the front row this year, although it is much easier to see her when she is.  LOL!  Good thing she put that flower in her hair or we would have had troubles seeing her at first.  Eventually they all shifted throughout the program and we could see her better toward the end.

This was the first year they played their recorders.  Oh bless the music teachers that didn't let them take their recorders home except over Thanksgiving and Winter break.  They did a great job!

Hope had a few special guests to come see her program.  Her birth mom Jessica and her kids came to visit before the program.  It was a quick and chaotic visit, but lots of fun!  We exchanged Christmas and birthday gifts for all the kids.

Luke loved his Hot Wheels set.  We got Hanna a dog doctor kit with a kennel for the puppy.

and Ethan love his Lego set.

THEN...we tried to get them all to sit together for a picture.  This was the best we could get, but honestly, I LOVE this picture.

This is the present I made for Jessica.  It was a small 7x7 printer box.

Hope got a birthday gift from Jessica and the kids.  She loved everything, but has been wearing the sunglasses everywhere.  Even Taylor's future is so bright she's gotta wear shade!  LOL!

This week was my birthday.  I took the day and just had some quiet time at home to scrapbook.  I also DID NOT cheat.  Boy did I want to have some wine while I was scrapbooking, but I was good.  The next day at work, my manager made my favorite treats.  So I had a half inch square bar and ate it in about 20 tiny bites over an hour time frame.  I was trying to savor every morsel.  LOL!

I did finally reach that magic 10 lbs mark and actually this week hit 13 lbs total.  Yeah me, but this is REALLY hard.  I am hoping to hold out until the end of March.  So in honor of that journey and all the friends and family that have encouraged me to get this far...Thanks!

This one is just funny.  Not that I have hit "hot" status, but I definitely feel better about myself.

Alright, until next time!


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