Friday, July 15, 2011

She's home!

Hope got home from kc tonight. It sounds like she had a lot of fun, but it was good to get her home. She was pretty excited about her (soon to be) new art area. They come on tuesday to set it up. I can't wait to see it. All of her supplies have been sorted out and she found those in the closet.

Next up she headed to the toy room and loved exploring to see everything. She noticed that the shelves from her closet and basement had been moved to the toy room. So she went running into her room and thought it was really cool tool (although not much was done in there).

We played for a little bit and are now watching a movie in my bed. :)

While she is watching her movie I am testing out how to post to my blog from my iPad so I can hopefully make a post while I am in Chicago at CHA. Looking forward to seeing my sister Dee and hearing all about this past weeks adventures.

I will share some more Christmas cards tomorrow.



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